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What's "Secretly Obese"

I've been overweight for more than 18 years.  Still, I never really see myself as being obese.  Most of the time, I don't even see m...

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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

199 - Say What?!

Although, my last post was fairly negative, I didn't mean to give the impression that I had given up.  Yes, I have not been working very hard to reach my goals, but that doesn't mean that I have completely given up.

On the plus side, I have lost 13 lbs since this school year started.  Although, I'd be much happier with 13 lbs a month, I'm still happy that I have been able to find moments in time where I could be successful during this very stressful time.

An added bonus, on September 30th, I weighed in at exactly 200 pounds.  I honestly don't remember the last time I weighed that amount, but I know that it was probably when I was pregnant with my first daughter.  So, over 17 years ago.

An even bigger feat for me was a few days later when I weighed again and the scale read 199.  Interestingly, while overwhelmed with excitement to see a 1 as the first number on the scale, there was some disappointment to see that big 99 as the last two digits.  For years, I have been messing up and saying I weigh 1-something.  So, when the scale said 199, it was sort of hard for me to be happy about.  It just reminded me of how mentally challenging weight loss can me.  I should have been jumping up and down with joy, crying, screaming and celebrating.  Although I was happy, I wasn't as thrilled as I expected.  Seeing 99 sort of made me feel like I was at my biggest again.  Still, my family took me out to celebrate; after all, you only get to go under 200 lbs once - right?

Over a month later, the scale continues to go back and forth over the 200 mark.  I haven't been able to find steady success under 200 and I know what I need to do, but haven't found the strength to do it yet.  I hope November turns out to be the month I figure it all out and get back on track, but if it's December or January, I'll be happy.  The important thing is not to lose hope and to look back at how far I've come.

I'm having a hard time finding full body pictures of myself before the one I posted above.... I wonder why?  When I find one, I'll be happy to post a now and then comparison of me at my biggest and hopefully me at my smallest (since high school).  Whenever I scroll through Facebook and see old photos of myself, I am in shock.  I can now see why others may not recognize me.  Although, I finally feel "normal" again, they never saw me as the person I am today.  When I look in the mirror, I see the same thing I saw for years and I now understand why it was so easy to be secretly obese.