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I've been overweight for more than 18 years.  Still, I never really see myself as being obese.  Most of the time, I don't even see m...

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Why I Weigh Daily

My goal for the magical month of July is to write one blog post every day.  So, although it seems like a lot right now, I'll definitely be slowing down after this month.

The bad thing about writing everyday is that I can't choose to write on days where my mood is positive.  So, instead, you're getting the full range of emotions and let me tell you (in case you hadn't noticed), I'm an emotionally girl!  The added stress of trying not to shove food in my face every time I'm feeling anxious or upset doesn't seem to help with my mood swings.  Also, looking at the scale daily doesn't really help that either.  

Despite my uneasiness with the scale, I weigh daily (if at all possible).  I find that weighing daily actually helps with my anxiety.  I've read a little (okay, one or two articles) about how weighing daily effects your mind and they suggest doing what works for you.... So, this works for me.  Weighing daily sets the tone for my day and it reminds me that I'm trying to live a healthier lifestyle.  If the number is lower, then I'm pumped and want to stay on track.  If the number is higher, then I know I need to try harder today.  The important thing for me to remember is not to get hung-up on what the scale reads on any particular day.  I've been getting better at this over the past year.  It's important for me to know what it says, but that doesn't mean it needs to ruin your day/week (although sometimes it still does).  I record my weight once a week and when I started out, I only recorded my weight if it was lower than the week before, but over the past couple months, I've recorded it no matter what.  I think it has helped me to see that there are going to be little bumps and it's okay.  One of the hardest things for me though, is an increase in my weight after a day of working out and being really active.  It seems like that happens more often than not.  It does seem like I lose more on my rest days that follow workout days though.  Something I should probably be tracking, but I think people should track what they can and add more when/if they can.   

Most importantly, I have my hubby!  On days where I don't easily brush off the higher number on the scale, he's there to remind me that it will be better tomorrow (or eventually).  Sometimes his positivity drives me crazy, but he's usually right....  

Tip #4 - Use the scale anyway you'd like, but don't let it ruin your day.  It's supposed to be there to guide you, not to make you feel like crap!

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