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What's "Secretly Obese"

I've been overweight for more than 18 years.  Still, I never really see myself as being obese.  Most of the time, I don't even see m...

Monday, July 18, 2016


When I started this blog, I was doing it for me, but I was also doing it so that other people could see what I went through and maybe even relate.  Today, my blog hit the 300 viewer mark.  It's pretty impressive to me that people would want to read the thoughts that come out of my head.  I know that I'm not an exemplar writer and most of my blogs have mistakes, maybe even all of them (I don't know), but what I write comes from my heart.  Whether you agree with it or not, it's what my life is like for me.  Just as the voice in my head sounds different than the voice I hear on video tape, the stories I tell are the way I see the world and events that take place in them.  These are not necessarily the way that others see them and I respect that.  I know that is especially hard for people who are close to me, but they keep coming back and reading and supporting me and that is really all I could ever ask for.

I hope that in addition to people in my family, there are others who are reading this blog and who continue to come back to see what has happened in my life and throughout my journey.  It's pretty cool to see that people from across the world are reading what I write.  Sometimes my blogs are messy and seem to be all over the place; I'd like to blame that on my ADHD.  Still, whether you've read one blog or all of them, I appreciate the support.  If no one was reading them, I might not still be writing them.  Even though, this started as a way for me to face my fears and make peace with myself, knowing that others are checking in makes me feel supported.

Writing daily this month has been especially challenging.  I guess I forgot how busy of a month July is.  And, as the end of July approaches, I have some big plans that are going to make my goal of writing daily even more challenging, but seeing that people are actually looking at it holds me accountable.  So, I just wanted to take today and say thank you for reading my blog and hopefully you find it a little enjoyable.  

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